Tag Archives: Coast Guard Helicopter

Fishing Vessel Which Ran Aground off Dursey Island Yesterday Refloated and Drydocked in Casteltownbere
A fishing vessel which ran aground off Dursey Island yesterday has been refloated and towed to Casteltownbere for drydocking and inspection. A major rescue operation was needed when the 33m French-flagged trawler, the F/V Grand St Bernard, hit rock 12 nautical miles from Castletownbere. Two local boats, the Girl Jane and Celtic Dawn, Castletownbere RNLI and the Irish Coast Guard Rescue 115 helicopter came to the rescue of the 14-strong crew. 10 crew were airlifted from the boat, while 4 remained on board to help with efforts to free the boat from the rock. Following a successful winching operation, the trawler eventually came off the rocks and a tow line to keep the casualty vessel away from the shore. >click to read< 12:42

Trawler refloated after major rescue operation off Dursey Island
The French registered trawler, which had been sailing with 14 crew on board, is understood to have run aground on rocks off the southern tip of Dursey Island at around 2pm on Friday. A coast guard helicopter and the Castletownbere lifeboat crew were called to the scene as part of a major emergency response which was coordinated by the Valentia Marine Rescue Coordination Centre. At least nine crew members were airlifted to safety from the boat before it was refloated. Thankfully, the vessel was able to move off the rocks before 5pm and made its way slowly back to Castletownbere to check and repair its damaged hull. >click to read< 12:50

Four fishermen rescued from liferaft after fishing vessel fire off the Cork coast
Shortly before 2am this morning, Valentia Coast Guard was alerted to a fire on board the ‘Horizon’ fishing vessel around 20 miles south east of the Old Head of Kinsale. A multi-agency response co-ordinated by the Valentia Coast Guard,,, Within minutes of the mayday alert being issued, the crew abandoned the vessel to their liferaft as the fire had engulfed their boat. Shortly afterwards, the crew was recovered from their liferaft by the Offshore Supply ship Pathfinder that had been operating at the Kinsale Gas field. >photos, click to read< 07:52

Injured fisherman rescued off Cork, airlifted by Irish Coast Guard Rescue 117
A 22-year-old fisherman from the Faroe Islands is being treated at Cork University Hospital after being hit by heavy chains and falling on steelwork on board a trawler off the Cork coast. The incident happened around 400km off Cork in heavy seas. The fisherman was airlifted off the trawler by the crew of the Irish Coast Guard helicopter Rescue 117. The Faroe Islands’ Marine Rescue Coordination Centre first alerted the Irish Coast Guard. Video, >click to read< 20:56
Gov. Kitzhaber Throws Weight Behind Effort to Keep Coast Guard Helicopter in Newport
Gov. John Kitzhaber has joined ranks with local residents and elected officials to keep a U.S. Coast Guard search and rescue helicopter based at the Newport airport. The governor pointed out that Newport’s importance as a commercial fishing port equals that of Coos Bay and Astoria, ports where the Coast Guard maintains aerial search and rescue capability. Read the rest here 09:12