Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Silly War on Natural Gas

Thanks to the shale revolution, the United States is awash in natural gas. Since 2005, domestic gasproduction has nearly doubled, and American companies are now sending liquefied natural gas all over the world, including Chile and China. And pretty soon, U.S. liquid natural gas will be on its way to, of all places, Saudi Arabia. The pandering environmentalist groups demand off shore wind.,, offshore wind projects are being vigorously fought by the Long Island Commercial Fishing Association and commercial fishing groups from New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. The fishermen believe the offshore wind projects will lock them out of some of their most productive fisheries. >click to read<10:50
I hope everyone who reads this and live in the Vampire State understands the destructive policies of progress Andy-boy Cuomo. This article today from NATURAL GAS NOW: His policy of preventing natural gas development is aligning the stars for a near future crisis when the electricity is sorely needed.
“And with the governor’s support, the Legislature also just passed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, under which the state government will be empowered to significantly disrupt virtually every corner of New York’s economy to achieve a goal of near-zero carbon emissions—within its own borders—by 2050. Given the supposed urgency of Cuomo’s much-touted “fight against climate change,” pushing New England to burn oil instead of natural gas makes zero sense.”
Emissions Going Higher in New York Due to Green Political Correctness – Posted on June 27, 2019 by Natural Gas Now Guest Blogger
It should read “progressive” Andy-boy Cuomo….