Tag Archives: closes
Fisherman talks shrimping season coming to close
Louisiana fisherman Bobby Rivere says the brown shrimp season is coming to a close this evening, and the white shrimp season won’t start up until mid-August. “This gives the white shrimp time to grow. We don’t catch them too prematurely because right now they’ll be too small for consumption,” he said. The white shrimp may be smaller right now because of our mild winter. “We really don’t know why they are so small, they are late moving and with winter not being too cold they aren’t growing properly I guess,” Rivere said. >click to read< 11:01
Commercial king mackerel season closes noontime Friday
The closure was set based on data gathered by state biologists and the National Marine Fisheries Service. The data shows that the annual quota for king mackerel of 1.07 million pounds for the western zone of the Gulf of Mexico would be met by that time. [email protected] 07:08