Tag Archives: Fishery Infrastructure

Local fisherman make their pitch to governor

Fishermen like Jon Williams, who call Galilee home, have depended for too long on the port’s aging docks and rusty bulkheads. Williams’ Narragansett Crab Company brings in millions of pounds of fish per year, but he’s hamstrung by a dock that dates back to 1948 and can’t be used because it’s in such poor shape. But he struck a hopeful tone Friday when Gov. Dan McKee came to his business to learn how Williams and his brethren would benefit from a multi million-dollar project to get the port ship-shape through repairs and modernization. >click to read< 08:00

1 of every 70 jobs in Louisiana is in seafood. Many of those in them are still struggling a year after Ida

Stacks of crab traps and fishing nets lay idle on the shoreline. Occasionally, there is the whir of a propeller, which barely registers above the sound of wildlife, puttering as it pushes a boat around debris on the bottom of the bayou. Gone, for the most part, is the constant sound of diesel engines turning over and the salty language of the fishermen loading and unloading the catch of the day. Many of the docks, including the 200-foot dock that has been in Randy Nunez’s family for 71 years, won’t return. “It looks like a ghost town. It’s hard to see. The bayous are empty. The boats are tied up. The shrimp prices are too low,” Nunez said as he sat on the side of the bayou near what used to be one of the largest docks in the area. “Before you’d see boats coming out and boats coming in. Boats were constantly passing on the bayou.” >click to read< 09:33

Reconstruction of North Bulkhead in Port of Galilee to continue into 2021

The state recently started a $5.2 million project to rehabilitate three commercial fishing piers in the Port of Galilee that are berths for the largest vessels, the offshore fleet.,, The vessels that tie up in this location produce the highest volume of landed seafood products. The work, which will involve demolition and replacement of the three piers, started in mid-October. The project in later phases will include reconstruction of the ice dock, called Dock X, which is the location for Seafreeze Ltd., which provides ice to the fishing vessels to keep the seafood fresh. >click to read< 12:24

More New England Fishery Infrastructure In Jeopardy!

gambrella town dockOn Friday at 10am on April 15th, Senator Blumenthal (D-CT) and State Sen. Rob Simmons (R-CT) and Rep. Joe Courtney (D-CT) will be at the fish dock in Stonington, CT in support of Gambardella Wholesale Fish, Inc. during the making of a video chronicling the difficulties of maintaining an essential fishery support business in the current fisheries regulatory environment. Mike Gambardella of Gambardella Wholesale Fish, Inc., at the Town Dock in Stonington, CT has run for decades one of the last packing facilities and wholesale fish houses in Connecticut.  It is where most of what’s left of the local fleet sell their fish.  Stonington is an iconic fishing port going back hundreds of years, and Mike’s Family has been in the fish business for generations. Read the rest here 15:00