Overall impact of disastrous pink salmon fishery still being calculated 

Fallout from what’s being described by commercial fishermen as a pink salmon disaster in Prince William Sound is still being calculated, but troubling times began earlier this year when high insurance costs kept some from ever going out in their boats. Low runs of humpies, mounting fuel costs and some processors opening up late all appear to be spelling big economic challenges for the Prince William Sound economy. “It’s going to be a big hit for the town,” said Cordova City Council Member Kristen Carpenter, who is anticipating a significant loss of raw fish tax dollars to the city this year. “It was an absolute disaster,” said veteran salmon harvester John Renner, chair of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Copper River/Prince William Sound Advisory Committee. One young man lost his boat, said Renner. “Anyone who has payments to make is in trouble unless they have dual permits and are making money off of gillnetting or longlining,” he said.  “Fuel is $5 a gallon and insurance costs are up 25%.”  more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 13:55

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