Tag Archives: California Fish and Game Commission
California Fish and Game Commission approve emergency regulations for coonstripe shrimp fishery, EFP to test longlining gear
The California Fish and Game Commission announced the adoption of emergency regulations for the commercial coonstripe shrimp fishery. In addition, the CFGC also announced the approval of an experimental fishing permit (EFP) to test longlining gear in the Dungeness crab fishery, among other action affecting California’s natural resources during their February 12 and 13 meetings in Sacramento. Officials say that the emergency regulations were adopted for the commercial coonstripe shrimp (Pandalus danae) fishery in order to reduce the risk of whale entanglement in the fishing gear. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:30
California expands test of traps to help delayed Bay Area crabbing season: What this means for crabbers
For fisherman Brand Little, the specialized ropes connecting his crab traps are a financial lifeline. The experimental “pop-up” system is designed to prevent whales from getting entangled, by keeping lines on the ocean floor until a crew launches them by remote control to reel in the traps. And thanks to a special testing permit, he’s been able to fish into the spring crabbing season, which was cut-short several years ago to protect the migrating whales. “This is a tipping point, and I can’t stress this enough. This is a tipping point at getting our spring fishery back. It’s been six years. You know, you got to look at where we came from, where we’re at and where we’re headed,” said Brand Little. Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:57
Will pop-up crab pots save Bodega Bay’s crabbing industry?
For nearly five years, Dungeness crabbers have watched their incomes diminish by up to 80% as the California Fish and Game Commission mandated seasonal closures, catch limits, and gear restrictions. The situation, as many crabbers attest, has driven many to their breaking points. “There’s people thinking, why even live?” said Tony Anello, fisher and owner of Spud Point Crab Company in Bodega Bay. Much contributes to the financial and emotional strain on the fishing community: the closure of salmon season, shortened and restricted Dungeness crab seasons, devalued boats, gear and permits, and, as existential background noise, the continued menace of climate change portending rising seas, extreme weather and a warming ocean. Dungeness crab populations do fluctuate from season to season, but, overall, the population has remained steady. The problem for crabbers isn’t crabs. It’s whales. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:50
Some Fishermen Blame California Water Policies for Salmon Season Closures
The Pacific Fishery Management Council unanimously recommended the closure of all California commercial and recreational ocean salmon fisheries through 2024, after a similar closure last year, blaming drought, climate and other factors for dwindling stocks. “While incredibly painful to fishing families and fishing communities, the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermens Associations supports the closure,” said George Bradshaw, president of PCFFA. “We all need to be doing everything we can to give Californias salmon a chance to recover. It has to be an all hands-on deck effort to ensure survival for our Central Valley and Klamath salmon runs.” Video, more, >>click to read<< 09:14
Fishing advocates say California salmon disaster fund is too low
The $20.6 million allocated for federal relief for California’s Chinook salmon stocking is only two-thirds of the state’s aid request, and threatens the existence of fishing businesses, California commercial fishermen and rental recreational groups said, on Monday. In a letter to U.S. Commerce Department Secretary Gina Raimondo, the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Association, the Golden Gate Fishermen’s Association and the Northern California Guides and Sportsmen’s Association called for “immediate full funding of salmon disaster funding assistance” at $30.7 million. Data sought by state officials. “The state’s economic analysis already falls short of expected needs, and the federal disaster aid package adds insult to injury,” fishing group leaders wrote in their joint letter. more, >>click to read<< 08:56

State, federal officials vow to take quick action on Federal Fishery Disaster Declaration for salmon fishing industry
State and federal officials are vowing to move quickly to secure disaster aid for Californians affected by the closure of this year’s commercial and recreational salmon season, which could have an economic impact of $1.4 billion, according to one industry group. The administration of Gov. Gavin Newsom requested a Federal Fishery Disaster Declaration from U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo after a decision Thursday by the Pacific Fishery Management Council to recommend full closure of both commercial and recreational salmon seasons this year. It’s unclear what that might mean in terms of total dollars and eligible stakeholders. >click to read< 08:03

PD Editorial: Listen to fishermen: Skip salmon season
When people call for action that goes against their own short-term interests, something bigger must be at stake. The public should pay attention. So, it is with three associations of West Coast fishermen that have called for a shutdown of this year’s California salmon fishing season. Members of all three associations know that a closure will cost them dearly, but they understand that this year’s pain is the best chance for long-term survival. But the people who know salmon best and rely on them most — members of the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations, the Golden Gate Fishermen’s Association and the Northern California Guides and Sportsmen’s Association — say that it’s time for a pause. >click to read< 11:44

To bee or not to bee – Bees are legally fish in California
A ruling by a California appeals court in the United States has extended the legal protection of endangered species to bumblebees and, in effect, classified them as fish. The court’s decision will allow California to legally protect these endangered, native garden-keepers and help maintain the state’s biodiversity, which is crucial to keeping ecosystems resilient. The court found that “fish” may be commonly understood to refer to aquatic species, but the interpretation of the term in the legislature is “not so limited”. >click to read< 12:07
Crab fishing organization says State of California commission unfairly changed policy on crabbing season
A crabbing association is suing the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and California Fish and Game Commission, alleging violation of federal law. Tri-State Crab Producers Association filed a complaint on April 5 in the San Francisco County Superior Court against the defendants alleging that they attempted to alter and delay the beginning of the crabbing season. According to the complaint, the plaintiff alleges that it suffered damages due to the changes in the departments’ policies regarding crabbing season. Click here to read the story 09:40
California Marine Life Protection Act: The ultimate bait and switch
There is no question that the passage of the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) has been the most controversial environmental issue California’s angling community has ever faced. It signaled the state’s shift from a shared philosophy of conserving California’s natural resources to outright protectionism, with little regard to the interests of outdoor recreation, tourism and all of their economic benefits. As the MLPA established the framework for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), the state promised California anglers that areas designated as off-limits to commercial and recreational fishing may one day be open to fishing. In fact, they were very specific in their promises. Scientific assessments would be conducted every five years, and as fish populations were assessed as sustainably viable, the restrictions would be lifted. (But would they be?) Read the rest here 16:56
California bans commercial crab fishing due to excessive radiation in seafood? Really?
In November of last year, California state officials placed an indefinite hold on the commercial crab season, in order to protect public health. The reason given by the state was dangerously high levels of algal toxins in the bodies of the crabs. But according to New York radio station 95.1 FM (SuperStation 95), insiders from the California Fish and Game Commission have revealed that the real reason for the ban was dangerously high levels of radioactivity resulting from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. I’ve heard it all now! Read the rest here 12:10
Fish and Game upheaval reveals shift in California wildlife policy
The sudden resignation of the most adamant defender of hunting and fishing on the California Fish and Game Commission could put the finishing touches on a sweeping philosophical shift in the way the state views wildlife, sets rules for fishing and controls predators like mountain lions and wolves. Commissioner Jim Kellogg retired in late December in frustration over what he termed a lack of consideration for the sportsmen and women he represents. The resignation — combined with the unrelated recent departures of commission President Jack Baylis and Sonke Mastrup, the commission’s executive director — sets the stage for Gov. Jerry Brown to appoint conservationists to the increasingly pivotal state board. Read the article here 21:37
California delays opening of crab season amid toxic scare
The California Fish and Game Commission voted Thursday to delay opening of the crab-fishing season as officials scramble to deal with a coastal algae bloom that’s left Dungeness crabs with a potentially fatal toxin called domoic acid. Meeting by conference call, the commission voted 3-0 to delay the recreational crabbing season, which was supposed to begin Saturday. The opening of the commercial crab fishing, which is supposed to open Nov. 15, is up to the director of the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Read the rest here 12:41
Pacific Bluefin Tuna – why California’s fishermen are impacted
Recent actions and findings by international, federal and state fishery managers will result in reduced commercial and recreational take of Pacific Bluefin tuna. California based purse-seine vessels will see their catch limit reduced by a minimum of 40%. California based recreational anglers will see their daily bag limit reduced from 10-fish to 2-fish. New filet regulations developed with input from enforcement, scientists, and the sportfishing community were recently approved by the California Fish and Game Commission which will impact how you process your fish at sea. Read the rest here 10:25
California State admits traditional management more effective than marine reserves – Dan Bacher
State officials and representatives of some corporate “environmental” NGOs have constantly touted the so-called “marine protected areas” created under the privately-funded Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative as a “science-based” method for bolstering fish and shellfish populations in California. continued@icmagazine
Permit system puts tougher regulation on fishermen, scientists who catch great white shark
On Feb. 6, the California Fish and Game Commission accepted a petition to consider endangered status for the northeastern Pacific population of white sharks, which range from Alaska to Mexico, and out to Hawaii. The petition cited recent studies suggesting the population is much smaller than expected: 339 sharks in the northeastern Pacific, excluding juveniles. Without a stable population of these top predators, coastal ecosystems would be thrown into turmoil, said Goeff Shester of Oceana, one of three environmental groups who wrote the petition. “It’d be like an African Serengeti without lions,” he said. Read more