Tag Archives: Common Pool

NOFish Announces Area Closures for Common Pool Northeast Groundfish Fishery

The following area closures and possession limits are in effect as of today: Gulf of Maine Cod Closed: Possession limit ZERO American Plaice Closed:  Possession limit: ZERO  Cape Cod/Gulf of Maine Yellowtail Flounder Closed:  Possession limit: ZERO Click here to read the notice. 13:57

National Marine Fishery Service Reduces Common Pool Gulf of Maine Cod Limits to ZERO!

Atlantic cod-
Effective immediately, NOAA/ NMFS is reducing the Gulf of Maine cod possession and landing limits to zero for common pool vessels. This limit will be in place for the remainder of the fishing year, through April 30, 2016. Based on data reported through May 25, 44.5% of the common pool trimester Total Allowable Catch and 12% of the sub-Annual Catch Limit for Gulf of Maine cod has been caught. If we do not take action now,  Read the rest here 14:35