Tag Archives: Contractors

Coast Guard crews work to remove 33,000 gallons fuel from fishing vessel aground east of Egg Island, GA
The Coast Guard is working to remove diesel fuel from an aground fishing vessel east of Egg Island. The fishing vessel initially ran aground on November 4 after it became disabled. The Coast Guard is working with partner agencies and a hired contractor to remove a potential amount of 33,000 gallons of diesel fuel from the fishing vessel. The Coast Guard is actively working with salvage contractors and the vessel’s owner to find the best means possible for this unique situation being that it’s a difficult project due to the grounding location.” >click to read< 17:43

17 tons of dead fish cleared from beaches due to red tide
One Florida county has dumped more than 17 tons (15,420 kilograms) of dead fish collected since red tide algae crept up from South Florida into Tampa Bay. Fish are dying off at such a rate that officials are seeking more commercial vessels to sift dead sea life from the Gulf of Mexico and haul it to a landfill. Currently, two shrimp boats and three other pieces of commercial equipment are being used to collect the fish. But it is not enough. Contractors are being asked to bring in more equipment, including large beach rakes. The rust-colored bloom could be seen from the air off Redington and Madeira beaches on Monday afternoon. >click to read<20:37