Tag Archives: Donated
One in 100 million cotton candy lobster caught in New Hampshire
A rare cotton candy lobster was the catch of the day recently off the coast of New Castle, New Hampshire. This candy-colored crustaceans was caught by a local lobsterman and donated to the Seacoast Science Center, a marine science education organization in Rye, New Hampshire’s Odiorne Point State Park. The wild color does not mean that it actually tastes sweet or like candy. It’s the result of a very rare genetic mutation. In May, a fisherman off the coast of England found a blue lobster in one of its traps. Rather than risk the lobster ending up on a dinner plate, the specimen was donated to a local aquarium, similar to what happened with New Hampshire’s cotton candy lobster. Blue lobsters have also been spotted in Marblehead, Massachusetts and France. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:53

Donated, discounted traps going to lobster fishermen whose gear was destroyed
People in Cape Breton are rallying to help lobster fishermen after stormy seas drove traps onto the rocks over the weekend, destroying expensive gear and killing crustaceans. The weather station on St. Paul Island reported a northwest peak wind gust of 93 km/h. Bay St. Lawrence and Smelt Brook were especially hard hit. Stephen Bornais, a spokesperson for Fisheries and Oceans Canada, said the number of destroyed lobster traps is in the thousands. He expected to have more concrete numbers later this week. Osborne Burke, manager of Victoria Co-operative Fisheries in New Haven, said some fishermen lost as many as 150 of their 275 traps. Burke spent Tuesday trying to round up replacement traps. click here to read the story 08:00