Tag Archives: early opener

Togiak herring harvested after surprisingly early opener – roe yield sampled at 15 percent!

aerial_survey_1togiakThe first commercial harvest of Togiak herring this season was reported Tuesday. The season started much sooner than expected, and the processors and the fleet have been struggling to get on the grounds since commercial effort was opened Sunday evening. “One company did manage to buy some fish,” said area management biologist Tim Sands Wednesday morning. “We’re still getting reports that it’s too windy in most places to fish, and turbid enough that it’s hard to even see fish. I think other companies are there, and ready to go.” When two companies or less are buying, the Dept. of Fish and Game keeps the details of the harvest confidential. Unofficially, word from the grounds is that the herring caught were big, and the roe yield surprisingly high, perhaps 15 percent. Sands said he had heard the same. Audio, Read the rest here 14:33