Tag Archives: Electronic Reporting
2024-2025 Scallop Season – Online Materials are Available
The DMR Advisory Council has reviewed and approved the proposed rulemaking for Chapter 11 Scallops, setting the 2024-2025 season. This notice is to inform harvesters that scallop season materials are now available on the DMR website under “Information for the 2024-2025 Scallop Season” and to also provide a summary of changes for the upcoming 2024-2025 season. As a reminder for all zones, scallop harvest begins 1/2 hour before sunrise. Scallop fishery requires electronic reporting of day trips, submitted weekly by Sunday 11:59 p.m. information, links, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:33

Education key to electronic reporting, monitoring systems
In a perfect world, Steve Kennelly sees the New England Fishery transitioning to electronic reporting within the next year. “There’s no reason why that group can’t be formed pretty soon,” the director of IC Independent Consulting said. The next step would be implementing electronic monitoring within 3 to 4 years. “It’s silly to talk anywhere beyond five years out” because of how fast technology continues to evolve, Kennelly said. The New England Fishery Management Council, which concluded two days of meetings on Wednesday in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, resides in an imperfect world, though. >click here to read< 18:34
NMFS seeking feedback on a Discussion Draft re: Electronic Monitoring and Electronic Reporting in fed fisheries:
The objective of the Discussion Draft is to promote discussion and thinking within regions and across regions about EM/ER. Our goal for the final document, scheduled for completion this Fall, is to help managers and stakeholders consider the questions of how EM/ER tools can help contribute to a more cost-effective and sustainable collection of fishery dependent data in our federally-managed fisheries. @noaa.gov