Tag Archives: elver licenses

Hitting the Elver License Lottery! Handful of lucky Mainers win right to apply for lucrative elver licenses
In the first lottery since 2013 in the lucrative elver fishery, the Maine Department of Marine Resources awarded the right to apply for an elver license to 11 Mainers. 3,136 people applied for the licenses. The lottery, authorized during the past legislative session, was available to Maine residents who are at least 15 years of age by the start of the 2018 season, and who are eligible to purchase an elver license in 2018 because they have not had their right to obtain an elver license suspended. >click here to read< 12:40
Passmaquoddys, state reach tentative agreement on elver licenses
AUGUSTA, Maine — State officials and representatives of the Passamaquoddy Tribe have reached a tentative agreement on how the tribe will distribute elver licenses and manage the tribal catch for the 2014 fishing season. Read more@bdn 20:42
District attorney says he may dismiss charges against Passamaquoddy elver fishermen
There are more than 30 criminal cases pending statewide against members of the tribe, which has been involved in a dispute with the Maine Department of Marine Resources over how many elver licenses it should issue to its members. All of the Passamaquoddys charged had been issued licenses this spring by the tribe. The department later declared the licenses invalid. continued@bdn
Two dozen cited for fishing elver without licenses over first two weeks of season
BANGOR, Maine — For much of the past week, state officials and Passamaquoddy Tribe members have clashed over enforcement of state laws during the recently begun elver season. At the BDN’s request, Jeff Nichols, the DMR’s communications director, collected data from the state’s two marine patrol divisions. That data includes violations that resulted in summonses between the season opening on March 22 and Wednesday, April 3. continued
The Flame Get’s Higher – Sovereignty battle brewing over elver eel dispute between Passamaquoddy, Maine state government
ELLSWORTH, Maine — Passamaquoddy leaders are decrying what one official called an “extreme show of force” by Marine Patrol, which last night confiscated three elver nets from tribal members at the Pennamaquan River. continued
Passamaquoddys issue far more elver licenses than allowed by law
ELLSWORTH, Maine — A year after catching state officials off guard by issuing 236 elver fishing licenses in the middle of elver season, the Passamaquoddy Tribe has issued more than twice that amount for 2013. continue reading