Tag Archives: emergency regulations

California Fish and Game Commission approve emergency regulations for coonstripe shrimp fishery, EFP to test longlining gear

The California Fish and Game Commission announced the adoption of emergency regulations for the commercial coonstripe shrimp fishery. In addition, the CFGC also announced the approval of an experimental fishing permit (EFP) to test longlining gear in the Dungeness crab fishery, among other action affecting California’s natural resources during their February 12 and 13 meetings in Sacramento. Officials say that the emergency regulations were adopted for the commercial coonstripe shrimp (Pandalus danae) fishery in order to reduce the risk of whale entanglement in the fishing gear. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:30

Mass. Division of Marine Fisheries has enacted two right whale emergency regulations

The Division of Marine Fisheries has enacted two emergency regulations to protect vulnerable aggregations of endangered northern right whales in Cape Cod Bay. These regulations, effective immediately, are designed to reduce the risk of collisions with vessels and entanglements.  Extension of Trap Gear Closure The existing February 1 – April 30 Large Whale Trap Gear Closure is being extended through Sunday, May 6 for a portion of Cape Cod Bay. >click to read<22:34