Tag Archives: F/V Amanda C

Richard R. “Capt. Rich” Dulski
Richard R. “Capt. Rich” Dulski, 58, of Brielle passed away on Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Neptune. Rich was born and raised on Staten Island, NY. Rich took his boating captain’s license at the age of 17 and passed on the first time which is rare. He has been a captain for over 40 years working for the Gambler, F/V High Stakes, F/V Austin and, most recently, the F/V Amanda C, out of the Fishermen’s Dock Cooperative, Pt. Pleasant Beach. Rich has fished everywhere from Cape May to Montauk, L.I. to the Grand Banks. He is survived by his devoted wife Mary, daughter Elizabeth Dulski, two sons Richard and Michael, his Mother, and many relatives, and friends. >click to read< 20:36

Crabbers brave ‘sloppy seas’ to start harvest
Fishing crews reported enduring ‘sloppy seas’ for most of the season so far. “It was a little rough,” said Paul Blaylock of the F/V Amanda C, upon delivering their first catch of the season on Jan. 2. “We got a little wet.” The weather has fishermen and processors hopeful for more favorable conditions in the coming days. “It’s been a struggle. The fishing windows are very narrow right now,” 11 photos, >click to read< 08:59