Tag Archives: F/V Janneke

Vessel Review – Janneke – Versatile beamer/twin-rigger delivered to Dutch owner

Urk, Netherlands-based Werft Shipbuilding recently delivered a new trawler to local fisherman and skipper Jelle Hakvoort. Named Janneke after Hakvoort’s daughter, the Bureau Veritas-classed newbuild was designed by Dutch naval architecture firm Marimecs as a multi-functional vessel. The summer months will see it using twin-rig gear whereas beam gear will be employed during winter. Targeted species include squid, scallops, sole, langoustine, plaice, and turbot. Janneke has been registered to Belgium and will be operated out of Zeebrugge. This is because the owner believes that operating under the Belgian flag ensures that the vessel has access to a greater number of fishing grounds in areas such as the North Sea, the English Channel, the Irish Sea, and the Bay of Biscay. Photos, Specifications, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:028