Tag Archives: F/V American Triumph

Coast Guard medevacs woman from fishing vessel near Cold Bay, Alaska

The Coast Guard medevaced a woman from a fishing vessel approximately 101 miles northwest of Cold Bay, Alaska, Sunday. An Air Station Kodiak MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew hoisted the woman at 10 p.m. and safely transported her to a LifeMed flight team in Cold Bay for further transport to Anchorage. Watchstanders at the 17th District command center in Juneau received a medevac request,,, >click to read< 16:53

Coronavirus outbreaks keep sidelining vessels owned by one of Seattle’s largest fishing companies. No one’s entirely sure why.

It’s not surprising that fishing vessels would become potentially high-risk environments as the pandemic worsened. Like cruise ships, which became notorious Covid-19 hotspots in the early days of the outbreak, fishing trawlers tend to confine people in close quarters for prolonged periods of time. But several additional factors make fishing vessels susceptible to outbreaks: Living arrangements require people to cram into tight spaces together, sharing bunkrooms, dining areas, toilets, and other facilities. “These people are four to a room,” said Dr. Marisa D’Angeli,“They’re in bunk beds. They share a bathroom with the four people [in the] adjacent [room]—so eight people total. People don’t wear a mask when they sleep.” The work environment, which requires people to work closely together in wet, chaotic circumstances, is no less fraught with transmission opportunities. >click to read< 08:08

Trump admin Coronavirus task force urges Alaska to require masks for seafood plants and hot spots

The state should mandate masks, especially in seafood processing plants and places with high or rising case counts, to slow Alaska’s explosive coronavirus infection rates. That’s the recommendation of a July 26 report distributed to states by the Trump administration’s coronavirus task force,,, The update summarized the state’s largest COVID-19 outbreaks to date. The top four involve the seafood industry and together involve more than 350 people: 139 out of about 252 workers at the OBI Seafoods plant in Seward; 85 out of about 119 workers on the factory trawler American Triumph; 76 workers out of about 135 at the Copper River Seafoods plant in Anchorage; and 62 out of about 150 at the Alaska Glacier Seafoods plant in Juneau. >click to read< 09:49

A factory fishing trawler is docked in Dutch Harbor with 85 Coronavirus cases. Now it’s headed for Seward.

More than two-thirds of the crew of a huge factory fishing vessel docked in the Aleutian fishing port of Dutch Harbor has tested positive for COVID-19, local authorities announced Sunday. The 85 cases are on board the American Triumph, owned by Seattle-based American Seafoods, one of the biggest players in the billion dollar Bering Sea pollock fishery. The American Triumph, and its crew members who tested positive, are scheduled to depart Unalaska late Sunday or early Monday with American Seafoods medical support personnel on board. They’re scheduled to sail to Seward and arrive by Wednesday,,, >click to read< 09:34

Seattle seafood company reports 6 more crew have Coronavirus in Dutch Harbor

The cases are onboard the American Triumph, which is operated by Seattle-based American Seafoods. Last month, the company announced that more than 100 crew members on three of the company’s six vessels had tested positive for the virus. At the time, experts questioned the company’s decision to mandate a five-day quarantine period, rather than the 14 days recommended by many health officials. American Seafoods subsequently said it had extended its quarantine period to two weeks. The cases announced Friday bring the total tally of positive cases on American Seafoods vessels to 117 since late May, according to spokesperson Suzanne Lagoni. >click to read< 10:18

American Seafoods screening 2 more crews after most on third vessel test positive for Coronavirus

The new round of testing involves the crews of the American Triumph and the Northern Jaeger as they dock in Bellingham, according to a company statement. “We’re conducting these tests out of an abundance of caution,” said Mikel Durham, the company’s chief executive. All three of American Seafoods’ vessels had been participating in the Pacific whiting harvest off the Northwest coast with large crews onboard to operate the vessels and equipment that processes and freezes the catch.  Last week, a crew member of the American Dynasty tested positive and was hospitalized in Bellingham. A subsequent screening of other crew determined that 85 were positive. >click to read< 16:42

Coast Guard Aircrew Medevacs Crewman from Fishing Vessel West of Port Orford, Ore.

medevav-american-triumph-10-13-2016A Coast Guard aircrew medically evacuated a crewman who reportedly fractured his arm on a 285-foot fishing vessel 25-miles west of Port Orford, Thursday morning. An MH-65 helicopter crew from Coast Guard Sector North Bend hoisted the 74-year-old male from the fishing vessel American Triumph and transferred him to local medical services waiting in Coos Bay. Coast Guard watchstanders at Sector North Bend were notified at 3 a.m. and directed the launch of the Dolphin crew. The aircrew arrived on scene at 4:41 a.m. and transferred the patient to EMS at 5:28 a.m  The weather at the time of the rescue was reported with low visibility, heavy rain, 50 knot gusting winds and 15-20 foot sea swells. Watch video here 17:23

Coast Guard medevacs fisherman near Cold Bay, Alaska

The Coast Guard medevaced a 36-year-old man from the 252-foot fishing vessel American Triumph approximately 92 miles north of Cold Bay, Alaska, Thursday. Watchstanders at the Coast Guard 17th District command center in Juneau were notified of the man’s injury by the crew of the American Triumph. It was reported two of the man’s fingers were severed by a steel door.  Watchstanders consulted the duty flight surgeon who recommended the medevac. Read the rest here 21:09

Western Pacific: Penalties for Purse Seine Fishing Violations Total More Than $1.5 Million

clip_image002_001Decisions were issued the week of August 19, 2013, in two separate enforcement cases from the Pacific Islands involving U.S. purse seine vessels fishing in violation of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Convention Implementation Act (WCPFCIA)….  F/V American Triumph, F/V Ocean Encounter, F/V Ocean Conquest, F/V Sea Honor, F/V Sea Quest and F/V Pacific Ranger, the owners, operators and fishing masters were charged more@noaa.gov 10:50

Parat Halvorsen to Install Steamboiler on F/V American Triumph

The vertical steam boiler of Parat Pin Tube MPW type, will have a capacity of 6,000kgs/h and is chosen due to high capacity and small size. This boiler will also be equipped with a new rotary cup burner and auxiliary system, that is designed to both start and burn on 100% fish oil without heating, which will be a big advantage for the vessel. more@marinelink 14:18

Coast Guard Motor Life Boat crew medevacs man from F/V American Triumph off Coos Bay, Ore.

uscg-logoThe American Triumph, a 285-foot commercial fishing and processing vessel, contacted the Coast Guard at approximately 3:30 p.m. to request a medevac of a 37-year-old male crewmember. Coast Guard Sector North Bend, Ore., dispatched a 47-foot Motor Life Boat crew from Coast Guard Station Coos Bay. An EMT from a Bay City ambulance accompanied the crew to assist. more@uscgnews 13:23