Tag Archives: “Iced Up & Snowed In

Proposed Cut for Herring Harvest Could Affect Lobster Catch
Fishermen who seek one of the most important bait fish on the East Coast are likely to see a dramatic reduction next year in the amount they are allowed to harvest, and the change could have major implications for lobster consumers. The commercial fishery for herring is a major industry in the Atlantic states, where the little fish is important as lobster bait and is also eaten by people. The fish has been under the microscope of regulators and conservation groups recently after a scientific assessment said earlier this year that the fish’s population has fallen in the past five years. NOAA wants to cut the annual catch limit from nearly 110 million pounds (50 million kilograms) this year to less than half that in 2019. The agency said in a statement that the deep cut is needed to “prevent overfishing.” >click to read<23:16:
New Bedford: Dock-U-Mentaries Film Series continues Friday, Dec. 18, at 7 p.m., with “Iced Up & Snowed In”
The Dock-U-Mentaries Film Series continues Friday, Dec. 18, at 7 p.m., with “Iced Up & Snowed In: Winter Stories from the Working Waterfront.” Members of the local fishing community will share stories about winter-fishing, Christmas trips, blizzards and holiday parties. Industry photographers Alan Cass and Phillip Mello will present a slideshow of winter scenes. Dock-U-Mentaries is a co-production of New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park, the New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center and the Working Waterfront Festival. Free Admission! Read the article here 10:06