Tag Archives: Kathy Dunderdale

Two years after CETA took effect, fisheries minister says Tory exemptions devalued the industry
In 2013, negotiations between Canada and the European Union over the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, or CETA, included talks on how Newfoundland and Labrador might be compensated for losses once the deal was implemented. The provincial PC government of the time insisted on a $400-million compensation program, noted Byrne. “I can certainly understand why they’d take that position,” Byrne said. But that fund never materialized, >click to read<10:56
Baker | Kathy Dunderdale’s fisheries legacy – Evaluating how the premiers handled the fishery
“Good-bye and good riddance to the worst premier the fishery ever saw,” I had a fisherman tell me this past Wednesday when Kathy Dunderdale pulled the chute on being premier. Such knee-jerk reactions are commonplace around these parts, of course, and politics is a provincial bloodsport to boot (you just never see people talk politics with such rage and petulance in other provinces … well, OK, Read more@cbcnews 08:00