Tag Archives: LFA 35

Sipekne’katik Chief Threatening To Disrupt Commercial Lobster Fishery This Year
“If they can interfere with our fisheries, we’re going to start rallying up and blocking all of their wharves,”,, Sack says that on October 30, he spoke with a regional director of fisheries management for DFO. The director, according to Sack, informed the Chief that any untagged Mi’kmaq lobster traps would be confiscated. Commercial fishermen are claiming, however, that the Band has increased its fishing in the lobster breeding ground in recent days. On October 29, in a letter to Bernadette Jordan, several fishermen’s groups claimed the federal government is doing nothing to stop the unregulated fishery. >click to read< 11:36
Prepping for Dumping Day in LFA 35 October 14
The Digby Wharf is looking even more colourful than usual as boats are stacked high with lobster traps, rope and buoys for this year’s Dumping Day on October 14. Chris Hersey is the captain of the Miss Addie, which he runs with crewmates and Mark Hersey, and is putting the final touches on the gear aboard his boat to get it ready for its first day on the water this season. He spent around twelve hours total setting everything up, and make six truck trips to get the buoys down to the wharf. It’s a process each fisherman handles differently, said Hersey. “One guy showed up two weeks ago. It’s different for everyone, and some people are doing it earlier this year,” says Hersey. click here to read the story 15:19
Busy readying boats at Digby wharf
LFA 35 lobster season opens Wednesday in upper Bay of Fundy Area lobster fishermen are busy at Digby’s wharf today, loading traps in preparation for the opening Wednesday of Lobster Fishing Area 35. Fishermen from Digby east will be dumping their traps in the water starting at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday. Read the rest here 13:35