Tag Archives: Little Bay Islands

At 5 p.m. on New Year’s Eve the last ferry left Little Bay Islands for good.
The community, which was settled almost 200 years ago, turned off its lights for the last time. Remaining behind are Mike and Georgina Parsons, who are now the only remaining full-time inhabitants of the small former fishing community. The couple is prepared to live off of the grid, including installing solar panels and wireless internet with preparation which began weeks ago. Video, >click to read< 19:11

The grim lesson of Little Bay Islands
I can remember traveling to Little Bay Islands in 1957 when I was 10 years old with my father on the MV Grace Boehner delivering flour and other freight. I marveled at how alive that community was. Boats going and coming in the harbour, wheelbarrows full of salted cod as they were pushed to the weights. Wheelbarrows full of Atlantic salmon. Seemed like hundreds of people working on the wharf. Children at play, singing and laughing. Now, this fishing outport community is beaten to its knees and voted to relocate because the loss of fish resources and the closure of its fish plant.>click to read by John Gillett, Inshore fisherman, Twillingate<14:55
Little Bay Islands, Newfoundland – Canada’s fishing hamlets in decline
What was once a thriving port of more than 800 people with its own customs office, oceangoing ships at the docks, and six hotels, is today home to just 81 residents. “It’s dying, it’s nearly dead,” said 61-year-old Dennis Budgell. “And it’s time to close her down. There’s nothing to do here anymore.” But for those who want to stay, the issue has been divisive. Read more here 09:38