Tag Archives: MFV Louisa
MFV Louisa was rescued four times before tragic sinking
The crab boat which sank off the Western Isles just over a week ago was rescued by lifeboats on four previous occasions, prior to the tragedy. Skipper Paul Alliston, 42, remains unaccounted for after the MFV Louisa sank off the coast of Mingulay. Fishermen Martin Johnstone, 29, from Caithness and Chris Morrison, 27, from Stornoway both died in the incident, while crewman Lachlann Armstrong, 27, managed to swim to safety. Police are carrying out a joint investigation with the Marine Accidents Investigation Branch (MAIB) and are considering bringing the boat to the surface as part of the inquiry. Yesterday, it emerged that the vessel had been the subject of four separate lifeboat call-outs. The crew were rescued for a second time that month in February 2014 when the vessel ran aground on the uninhabited Ascrib Islands in Loch Snizort in north-west Skye. Read the rest here 09:59

MFV LOUISA Crew family fund
Following the devastating tragedy of LOUISA going down on 4/9/16, and losing 2 crewmen, one still missing and one recovering, I’d really like to set up this fund for all of the families who are involved and suffering at this awful time. It has hit the Western Isles hard, as well as the rest of scotland and further afield. My thoughts are with the owners of Louisa also, who were not aboard at the time. Feel free to donate as much or as little as you’d like. The funds will go towards burials for the boys and help the families who are having to go through this very very sad time. RIP boys. Lorraina Matheson is the fund sponsor. In loving memory for Fishermen Paul Alliston, Chris Morrison, and Martin Johnstone. Click here 13:24
MFV Louisa Fisherman Lachlann Armstrong’s battle for survival: “I didn’t know if I’d make it”
A fisherman who swam through icy waters and clung onto rocks after his boat sank off the Outer Hebrides has spoken of his dramatic battle for survival and the “heartbreaking” moment he realised his friends were lost. Lachlann Armstrong admitted last night he did not know if he would make it to shore after he abandoned the MFV Louisa’s life raft when it failed to inflate. The 27-year-old father said he decided to try to reach the shore to free up space on the semi-submerged raft and help save his colleagues. Yesterday, he opened his heart about the tragedy that has rocked the Western Isles. Read the rest here 08:35
Scotland Western Isles – Investigation following the worst local fishing tragedy in 50 years
A major investigation is underway after a crab boat sank off the Western Isles in what has been described as the worst local fishing tragedy for half a century. Two men died and another remains missing after the Stornoway-registered sank off the east coast of Mingulay in the early hours of Saturday. It is believed the four fishermen were asleep in their bunks at anchor, about 12 miles south of Barra, unaware that the vessel was taking on water. The crew abandoned ship onto a life raft – but there were claims last night that it had failed to properly inflate. Read the rest here 08:28