Tag Archives: New Technology

Halifax company pilots new technology to track lobster traps, locate and retrieve lost equipment
The company, Marine Thinking, has launched a pilot project that involves tagging the traps with high-tech devices. The tags send signals to specially designed consoles on fishing vessels that allow crews to monitor where their equipment is using their phones or other devices. The company is testing its equipment with three lobster fishers this season. One of them is 63-year-old Jamie Osborne, from Eastern Passage, N.S, who has fished lobster for 40 years. A big reason he’s interested in the technology is because of the financial hit he takes when he loses traps. >click to read< 10:27
Stricter West Coast fishing rules spur new technology aimed at recovering groundfish species
Sara Skamser has to do a lot less convincing these days. The owner of Newport’s Foulweather Trawl fishing net company has been a trusted business partner of West Coast trawlers for three decades, but many of them were skeptical when she began developing special nets designed to keep out unwanted species. Read the rest here 21:53
The Eye in the Sky – Google, SkyTruth And Oceana Target Illegal Fishing With New Technology
SkyTruth, Oceana and Google announced Global Fishing Watch, a big data technology platform that leverages satellite data to create the first global view of commercial fishing. A prototype was unveiled at the 2014 IUCN World Parks Congress in Sydney, Australia, with a public release version in development, SkyTruth said. Read the rest here 12:42