Tag Archives: PhocaLux International Inc

VIDEO: Newfoundland fisherman provides proof seals eat crab – No Doubt!
When Natasha Rideout took a knife and cut through the thick membrane, more than 100 small crab spilled out, along with red clumps of crab roe. And that was just from one seal. The seals were caught by local fish harvester Trevor Jones, When cleaning the seal, the crew noticed that the stomachs were bursting with female snow crab, more than 100 in some. The company noted there are six species of seal found off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, all at the highest population ever recorded, and with few natural predators. The current quota for seals is 400,000 animals, but Rideout says only about 50,000 to 60,000 animals are taken each year. >video, click to read< 12:47
N.L. pledges $2M to seal hunt
The government of Newfoundland and Labrador pledged $2 million Wednesday to support the seal hunt this year – a move animal welfare advocates called a “bailout.” Two processing plants, Carino Processing Ltd. in South Dildo and . in Fleur de Lys, will each receive a loan of up to $1 million toward the purchase of seal meat, pelts and fat from the 2015 harvest. “These loans will help to ensure income for sealers and processing workers throughout the province and support the long-term viability of fish stocks off our shores,” Read the rest here 07:47