Tag Archives: rising sea levels

Our Drowning Coast: Left to Louisiana’s tides, Jean Lafitte fights for time
Out toward the horizon, a fishing village appears on a fingerling of land, tenuously gripping the banks of a bending bayou. Just two miles north is the jagged tip of a fortresslike levee, a primary line of defense for New Orleans, whose skyline looms in the distance. Everything south of that 14-foot wall of demarcation, including the gritty little town of Jean Lafitte, has effectively been left to the tides. Jean Lafitte may be just a pinprick on the map, but it is also a harbinger of an uncertain future. As climate change contributes to rising sea levels, threatening to submerge land from Miami to Bangladesh, the question for Lafitte, as for many coastal areas across the globe, is less whether it will succumb than when — and to what degree scarce public resources should be invested in artificially extending its life. Video, images>click to read<21:20
Rising sea threatens wetlands and seafood species, NOAA NMFS/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service study says
Rising sea levels are swamping coastal wetlands at an alarming rate, threatening migratory birds and some of the most valuable seafood species, a new federal study shows. NOAA Fisheries and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, issued a report that also found losses tied to traditional problems, such as urban and rural Read more @pressofatlanticcitty 21:16
sonofabi,,,a Monterey Bay Aquarium article that never mention’s over fishing! Monterey Bay affected by climate change – State study points to fish declines, ocean acidification
From rising sea levels and ocean acidity to declining populations of chinook salmon and sea lion pups, global warming is here, it said in a 258-page report, “Indicators of Climate Change in California.” more@montereyherald