Tag Archives: small-scale fisheries

At U.N. Ocean Conference – Brett Tolley Touts Small-scale Fisheries
Fisheries activist Brett Tolley of Chatham has told many people about the plight of small-scale fishermen like his father, who left the industry because he couldn’t compete with big corporate interests. Last week, he told that story to world leaders in a special forum at the United Nations in New York.,, “We can’t buy our way out of this problem,” he said. The government rules that regulate commercial fishing tend to empower large corporations, and Tolley said that needs to change. Fisheries management that’s based on the allocation of shares (catch shares) or quotas of a particular catch tend to privatize the oceans, rather than treating them as shared public resources, he argued. Those policies tend to concentrate access to fisheries to a few big players. click here to read the story 13:47

Brexit – Entering uncharted territory,turbulent waters, with challenges and perhaps also opportunities.
Two things can be said with certainty: 1. At this stage there are more questions than answers 2. In this new world, fishermen will need a strong, cohesive, national organisation to defend their interests during the upcoming transition It is not difficult to understand the strong anti-EU sentiments within the UK fishing industry. The European Commission has too often behaved with arrogance, and the EU Parliament with ignorance, to escape their share of the blame. To understand this, you need to go no further that the Commission’s proposed EU ban on small-scale drift nets – to solve an enforcement problem in Italy but which if adopted would have extinguished many sustainable, viable small-scale fisheries in the UK. This is but one example which just illustrates the roots of the frustration that has built over many years. Read the rest here 14:41
MSY Threat to Small-Scale Fisheries
A rational, balanced and proportionate fisheries management approach would aim to continue this steady climb towards high-yield fisheries, without bankrupting the fleets.,, political courage – to face down those in the green lobby and their friends in the media, apparently oblivious to the human costs of the policies they have largely been responsible for. Read the rest here 08:43
The undue quarrel
Environmentalists and fishermen rarely agree on anything – ,,They all seem to agree on the importance of ecosystem based management, but not on what it means in practice. Some over-eager Greens, for example, seem to consider fishing people as sort of invaders into nature and enemies of the environment, whose trade is a dangerous nuisance. Read more here 15:52
Canada Missing Big Opportunity to Support its Small-Scale Fisheries, Arthur Bull
The vast majority of fisheries in the world are small scale fisheries. These are the community-based, small boat, family-owned fisheries that make up a whopping 90% of the world’s fisheries, fisheries that land more than 2/3 of all the fish caught world-wide, and provide the basic protein needs to literally billions of people. Read more here 14:15
There’s No Crying on a Fishing Boat by Stephanie Boudreau.
My father likes to joke that he comes from a place where “the men are men, and the women are men too”. While my folks moved away from a life on the water, at least during their time with the Armed Forces, I moved towards one. As I was completing my MSc and looking for work, I applied to be a fisheries observer in the North Pacific. Read more here 17:08