Tag Archives: The Town Dock
Rhode Island: Calamari Market Leader Town Dock Relaunches Retail Offering
With a 40-year commitment to overseeing its product from eco-friendly catch to delicious cuisine, The Town Dock solidified itself as a market leader in foodservice calamari. It announces an expanded and redesigned retail product line rolling out throughout winter and spring, allowing more consumers to find that same restaurant-quality product online and retail stores across the nation. A family-owned company, The Town Dock is one of the largest calamari suppliers in the United States and a key player in the international marketplace. For more product information, and where to purchase, nationwide, >click to read< 13:29
U.S. Shortfin Squid Fishery Achieves MSC Certification
The U.S. Northeast Northern Shortfin Squid (Illex illecebrosus) fishery in the Northwest Atlantic has been certified sustainable against the MSC fisheries standard. The assessment, executed by independent conformity assessment body SCS Global Services and requested by Lund’s Fisheries, Inc. and The Town Dock, was part of a scope expansion following the successful certification of the U.S. Northeast Longfin Inshore Squid (Loligo pealeii) bottom trawl fishery in 2018. Illex joins Loligo as the 2nd squid species in the world to be MSC certified. >click to read<22:37