Tag Archives: Thomas Newman

COMMENTARY: It’s time for collaborative management of North Carolina fisheries

After two weeks of fisheries meetings and numerous comments from stakeholders, it’s clear that our current system of fisheries management leaves much to be desired. Since the General Assembly passed legislation in 2010 requiring overfishing to be ended in two years, or less, and sustainable harvest to be achieved within 10 years (with management that has at least a 50% probability of success), we have seen nothing but declining harvest limits across every fishery. This law – pushed by the Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) and then DMF Director Louis Daniel – has made North Carolina the most restrictive state in the Nation when it comes to fisheries management. Even California has less restrictive mandates! more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:17

NCFA Weekly Update for December 16, 2024 – Atlantic Striped Bass, Yet Another Discard Fishery

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board meets today (December 16th) from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Although North Carolina does not really have an Atlantic striped bass fishery anymore, the issues facing striped bass is the same thing we are seeing with many other stocks. For years we have only regulated harvest; limiting harvest days for recreational and commercial fishermen, increasing minimum size limits, lowering bag and trip limits, setting small slot limits, closing areas to commercial gear, modifying commercial gear; never ending harvest restrictions. Sound familiar? more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 10:45

NCFA Weekly Update for – September 30, 2024: URGENT! Assistance for Storm Victims in Western North Carolina

Some issues in need of special attention this week. Our Family and Friends in Western NC – The devastation of Hurricane Helene is unreal and unimaginable. There are many small communities further up the mountain from Asheville that are not getting much news coverage. Speaking with locals in the areas of Yancey, Mitchell, and Avery Counties in particular, they are still very much in the search and rescue stage of recovery. Many people are still unaccounted for and most shelters, schools, and churches do not have any form of communication to let people know they need help or to let loved ones know they are ok. Due to the nature of the area, landslides and canyons created by the flooding has destroyed many roads and made many areas only accessible by helicopter. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 18:47

NCFA WEEKLY UPDATE for June 24, 2024

MD, VA and NC Public Hearing on Atlantic Cobia Draft Addendum II – The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) staff will be presenting Atlantic Cobia Draft Addendum II and having opportunity for public comment. This Draft Addendum considers recreational allocation, harvest target evaluation, and the timeline for setting management specifications. Although this may not directly apply to all readers, I think it is an interesting exercise that will apply to many more of our fisheries in the future. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:19

North Carolina Fisheries Association Weekly Update for October 02, 2023

Southern Flounder, Uncertain Baseline Data. This week I wanted to look at the data used for management of southern flounder in North Carolina, specifically recreational catch data. Catch data is supposed to be baseline information in the fisheries management process. It is supposed to tell us how many fish were caught each year and allow managers to set quotas based on the health of the fish stock. Accurate catch data is especially important when you are trying to rebuild a stock such as southern flounder. When trying to reduce the number of fish removed annually it is important to know how many fish were caught each year to compare that number with the fish caught the following year to see if you achieved your needed reduction. Simple math, right? >>click to read<< 14:56

North Carolina Fisheries Association Weekly Update, July10, 2023 – Red Snapper, Plain and Simple

My last couple articles seemed to connect with many readers, some good connections and some maybe not so good. I personally received some really good feedback and I was also forwarded several emails and websites who quoted my articles. I always love seeing our newsletters getting out there for more people to read and hopefully get people more engaged in the issues. I know most of the people reading this already know, but for some of the new readers who maybe were misled by some of the people sharing our message, I feel like I needed to clarify a couple things. >click to read< 12:50