Tag Archives: three-member independent panel

A three-member independent panel tasked with looking at factors affecting lobster prices will begin meetings in July.

Panel members John Hanlon, Gilles Theriault and Lewie Creed will meet with organizations representing fishermen, brokers, buyers and shippers, and processors in Prince Edward Island on July 8, Nova Scotia on July 15, and in New Brunsw863a4ac9dc_64635696_o2ick at the end of the month. continued@chronicleherald

Fisheries ministers from the Maritime provinces have named a three-member independent lobster panel

The panel has a representative from each province: • New Brunswick: Gilles Thériault, a long-time fishing consultant • Nova Scotia: John Hanlon, a retired area manager with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in the Gulf region of Nova Scotia • Prince Edward Island: Lewie Creed, a former provincial deputy minister of fisheries and aquaculture. They also agreed to working collectively on marketing initiatives as well as reaching out to their counterparts in Newfoundland, Quebec, Maine and the federal government. continued