Tag Archives: F/V Arctic Hunter

A Retrospective Trip on the F/V Arctic Hunter – Gone, but not forgotten.

arctic hunterF/V Arctic Hunter went on the hard in November, 2013. I ran a few stories about her, and ironically, the last one in July, because a restaurant in Florida claimed they were getting fresh Weathervane Scallops from the Arctic Hunter! Anyway, I found this photo article by Chris Miller at his blog. Lets make one more trip on her! Read more here, with 14 great shots! 22:34  July 17 post

From the Far Reach’s of Alaska- IDrive restaurant imports fresh (frozen) scallops

Long past her untimely demise, These scallops come to sunny Orlando from the Bering Sea. It is on the Arctic Hunter ?, Oceanaire noted, that the fishermen “catch, shuck, clean, size-sort, box and rapid-deep-freeze the Alaska Weathervane within four short hours of capture. Read more here 13:25

F/V Arctic Hunter Removal Plan Nearly Done

It’s been more than six months since the F/V Arctic Hunter went aground outside Unalaska. Now, the boat’s insurance company is almost ready to drag it off the rocks. Insurance adjustor Jim Ronning says they’re expecting to sign a deal with a contractor by the end of the week. Read more here  09:55

Unalaska marine salvage expert Dan Magone, blast needed to free shipwrecked crabber F/V Arctic Hunter

Magone said Monday that removing the boat will start next week at the earliest. The vessel’s fishing career is over, he said. “It’s still shaped like a boat, but it’s just wreckage.” Blasting the rock away is actually a very small part of the job, he said. The biggest task involves pulling the boat from the shore with heavy cables, and then sinking it. Once secured underwater, the vessel will be lifted up and moved elsewhere, he said. more@bristolbaytimes  16:15

F/V Arctic Hunter Begins To Shed Debris

Rough weather is taking a toll on the grounded fishing vessel Arctic Hunter, which has been stuck on the rocks outside Unalaska since last Friday. The 93-foot crab boat has survived a series of storms this week without breaking apart. But salvagers haven’t been able to work on the vessel since last weekend. more@alaskapublic  22:35

F/V Arctic Hunter in better day’s – Bering Sea Opies and the reality of the Deadliest Catch….link

From the Deckboss: Salvage plans in works for sunken F/V Arctic Hunter

Here’s a situation report on the grounding of the F/V Arctic Hunter near Dutch Harbor. more@deckboss  14:05  Dutch Harbor Effort Continues to Remove Fuel From Grounded Crab Vessel link

F/V Arctic Hunter remains partially submerged near Unalaska, fuel onboard – captain’s blood alcohol content was .086,

The Coast Guard heard around 4 a.m. on Friday that the Arctic Hunter had grounded northeast of Unalaska in Summer Bay, said Coast Guard Petty Officer Shawn Eggert. The captain, whose name the Coast Guard isn’t releasing due to the ongoing investigation, told Unalaska Police that he had fallen asleep at the wheel, Eggert said. His blood alcohol content was over the legal limit of .08, Eggert said. more@ADN.com  08:27

Captain Elliott Neese saves crew onboard the F/V Arctic Hunter

According to Captain Elliott Neese’s Facebook page, he rescued six crew-members from a sinking crab boat near Unalaska. Everyone is safe. Everyone knows that the captains on the “Deadliest Catch” risk their lives as they go out fishing for crab. Such was the fate of the F/V Arctic Hunter as it run aground near Unalaska. The 93-foot Arctic Hunter wrecked at around 3:45 a.m. early Friday morning. It was just leaving port when it run aground and crashed into the rocks. more@examiner.com    F/V Arctic Hunter Runs Aground Near Unalaska – kucb  16:45