‘Tragedy of the Commons’ Will be the Fate of Marine Environment in Atlantic Offshore Wind Farms

Like the English commons, the Atlantic waters could take just so much ‘grazing’. The Canadian government finally recognized the cod fishery had crashed and closed it;,, Recognizing that fish could not be owned until they were caught, government regulators attempted to at least partially privatize fishing rights. So too, the waters in which they swim (Hague Line dividing CN and US waters in the Gulf of Maine and on Georges Bank.) It was that bottom and those waters that wind farm builders wanted “rights”.,,, So, the question arises “why don’t the fishing interests move to protect these sensitive marine habitats?” They have tried without much success. >click to read< 18:43
Realistic Outcome Doom Assured!!!
Realistic (blind love)
In all seriousness there is a great opportunity here… A true renewable revolution!!! The Eastern Atlantic is no Panacea mind you…
MicroPower Plants-Tesla Solar, electrical independents!!! What direction power-wise are our vehicles heading???
How many people would this require, I’m talking
We have Hydro-Power near by …
Let’s work smart not hard!!! Keep it here…
By all means don’t sell out!!!
Let’s protect our Oceans!!!