Michael Shellenberger: “I’m going to argue that everything we were told about renewable energy is wrong,”

Author and environmental advocate Michael Shellenberger will be the guest speaker Thursday evening at the Ocean City Music Pier. Best-selling author and nationally known environmental advocate Michael Shellenberger scoffs at the notion that ocean wind farms, like the one proposed off the South Jersey coast, are a good source of renewable, green energy. He regards them more as an industrialized threat to the environment, to the commercial fishing industry, to marine life and wildlife. “The big push to industrialize the East Coast will ruin the East Coast. It’s a gross environmental injustice,” he said. Video, >click to read< 11:57
Here’s a guy that can give you the run down about Nuclear, a former NO-NUKER in his younger days… The EDF/CLF mafia catch shared the Commercial Fisheries out of the Ocean equation… How cute divide and conquer, how would you like a Trojan horse delivered in the back??? This whole maneuver was nothing more then a Corporate take over… If you read “Den of Thieves” you’ll recognize some of the names as well as the integrity!!! The real truth about the green deal is the color of the money!!! This is all about control!!!
If you don’t recall Dr. Jane Catch Share Lubechenco she’s much more famous now!!! THE MOST DANGEROUS WOMAN ON THE PLANET
We need to give credit where credit is due!!!
Dr. Jane “Catch Share” Lubechenco helped EDF/CLF manipulate control of our OCEANS from our Fishermen!!! She really out does herself during the BP Deepwater Oil Spill!!! The EXXON VALDEZ happened in 1989 Corexit Dispersant was used there 30 years before BP Deepwater took a SH*T in the Gulf!!! You Dr.Jane ordered the dispeseral of millions of galloons of “COREXIT” Poison Rain!!!
That earned you the title: (PART OF YOUR CLIMATE”A”TEAM TOO)