The story of the Maine fishing boat sunk by a torpedo off North Carolina
F/V Snoopy was a wooden scallop dragger whose home port was Portland, Maine. In May of 1965, while dragging for scallops off the coast of North Carolina, she was sunk by a German torpedo. One night, just after 9 PM, the crew of the Snoopy, one of about 40 scallop vessels in the area that night, pulled in their nets. Looking at the catch, they noticed something that did not belong: a German G7e torpedo! The weapon was massive. That particular type of torpedo was over 20 feet long and it weighed in at over 3,500 pounds. Despite the potential danger of bringing an unexploded torpedo aboard, the crew made the decision not to just cut it loose. >click to read<, and >click here< 12:53
I was only 12 when this happened. But when I started crewing on East coast draggers I heard the snoopy story everytime we pulled up some debris in the net.