More than a dozen shrimp, fishing boats blessed during Mt. Pleasant’s ‘Blessing of the Fleet’

The 35th Annual Blessing of the Fleet took place Sunday afternoon at Mt. Pleasant’s Memorial Waterfront Park. Fifteen shrimp and fishing boats took part in the blessing and parade. The event is a way to show community support for those taking to the waters this season- along with those no longer with us. Wayne Magwood’s memory continues to be honored- through his former vessel making an appearance from its new home in North Carolina, to one the current local boats being renamed in his honor. Magwood’s daughter Melissa said, “this festival has been a part of my life like the entire time, the 35 years, of celebrating the blessing of the fleet.” It’s a time for Melissa and her family who is deeply rooted in the shrimp catching industry to honor the local “legend” who passed away in 2020. Photos, videos, >click to read< 14:49
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