Commercial Fisherman Thurlow Carl “Butch” Brewer of East Boothbay, has passed away

Thurlow Carl “Butch” Brewer of Murray Hill Road, East Boothbay died Dec. 29, 2022 after a short battle with cancer. He was born March 11, 1943 in Damariscotta, son of Carl “Bo” and Carrie Thompson Brewer. He was educated in the local school system, served in the U.S. Navy and spent nearly all of his life as a commercial fisherman. He served as captain on several sardine company purse seiners, including Homes Packing Company’s Ocean Delight, P. Borealis and Wave Guide. In 1978 he had a 56-foot boat built named the Sarah B which was used mostly as a dragger/purse seiner, he later captained the purse seiner Eva Grace. He traveled the coast stop seining for sardines and also spent many winter months based out of Gloucester, Massachusetts. In the more recent years, he was captaining lobster boats Sea Horse and Why Bother. His favorite job was his last to date which was filling in as sternman on his grandson’s boat Papa’s Pride. He had a lifelong passion for tuna fishing and took home trophies in the Boothbay Harbor Tuna Club’s annual competition. >click to read< 18:35
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