‘Looks like the worst spring in 25 years’: lobster prices, catches down as seasons wraps up in southwestern N.S.

Landings have been low all spring in Lobster Fishing Areas (LFAs) 33 and 34, which runs from Eastern Passage, Halifax County, to Burns Point Digby County, and includes all of Yarmouth and Shelburne counties. “Some people are down as much as 40 per cent. Some not as much. From the numbers I crunched it looks like on average we’re down 25 per cent over previous years, which sort of looks like the worst spring in 25 years,” says Dan Fleck, executive director of the Brazil Rock 33/34 Lobster Association. Cotter noted fishers in other recently opened LFAs in the Atlantic provinces are also experiencing low catches, bad weather and cold water temperatures. The shore price, which peaked at $13 a pound in the winter and early spring, plummeted to $8 in early May for LFA 33 and 34 fishers. >click to read< 14:48
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