DFO Rolls Over Cod Quota, Fails to Use All Available Data for Assessment
Today, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) announced a rollover to the Maximum Allowable Harvest (MAH) for the 2J3KL Northern Cod Stewardship fishery. The rollover comes as a surprise to harvesters, who requested an increase this year in line with the health of the stock and commercial needs for both harvesting and processing. Harvesters consider Northern Cod to be one of the best fisheries for both quality and catch rates, and both harvesters and processors are looking for more product this year. >click to read< 17:25
When I see this, I see beyond the small picture I see an overall quota being allotted to an area, and I see a rule that allows me to go to compete with people who are restricted to a 26 foot opened boat who can’t sell there licence unlike the noncore people in my family.