Olde Bristol Days Returns with Families and Fun

Residents and visitors alike descended to the tip of the Pemaquid penisula for the 69th edition of Olde Bristol Days Aug. 9-13. The weekend’s events kicked off with the traditional parade at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 12, and concluded with the Merritt Brackett Lobster Boat Races on Sunday, Aug. 13. On Saturday, after the parade families and beach goers crowded into Pemaquid Beach Park enjoying a slate of musical entertainment, food and craft vendors, as well as a variety of children’s games including a water slide and dunk tank. The day’s events concluded with a fireworks display. On Sunday, spectators convened near Fort William Henry for the annual Merritt Bracket Lobster Boat Races. Race results and lots of photos, >click to read< 07:46
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