Fisheries division schedules day-long symposium on troubled summer flounder fishery
The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries (NCDMF) has scheduled a day-long symposium on the southern flounder fishery, which is in such bad shape that the spring season was canceled in 2023 and the fall season was only a couple of weeks long. The event will be Wednesday, March 20 at the Riverfront Convention Center in New Bern and will begin at 9 a.m. The symposium will provide an opportunity for stakeholders, researchers and division staff to discuss various topics related to southern flounder, which up until the last few years has been one of the most valuable finfish species harvested by commercial and recreational fishermen in the state. more, >>click to read<< 07:41
You. People do look byn’t have a clue there’s more flounder now than ever been you let sport fisherman catch what they want you open commercial fisherman late so fish move back across the sound why don’t you open commercial season when we can make a little money then later let the sport fisherman catch theirs you people are one sided and I am not going to eat your farm raised seafood that have no taste and mullets are not extinct either be glad when we get some marine fisheries that have some sense and help the commercial fisherman what you are hired to do if you close everything need to fire every one of you we will not need you just never seen marine fisheries against commercial fisherman