NCFA Weekly Update for April 15, 2024

Thank You. I want to thank everyone for coming out to the AC meetings last week. You filled the seats at every meeting and your comments and conversations before, during, and afterwards sent a loud and clear message! We all know the importance of SAV (submerged aquatic vegetation) but we also know these proposed trawl closure lines extend well beyond just protecting grass! NCFA knows these proposed trawling closures are not necessary and there is no supporting science that says closing these areas to shrimpers will restore grass beds. Save Our Shrimpers Act, inclusion in the Farm Bill, more, >>click to read the update<< 07:45

One Response to NCFA Weekly Update for April 15, 2024

  1. Louis midgett says:

    Why are you worried about grass beds. We have Shrimp and way and if we have Scolpps you won’t open it. Just another way to put the Commercial fisherman out of Business.instea of working for MCA you are working for cca.

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