‘Bunch Of Suits Trying To Cover Their Tracks’: Beach Town Locals Slam Offshore Wind Developer For Polluting Shores

Local lobsterman Dan Pronk lamented the effects the debris has had on his business and the environment during the town hall meeting while holding a piece of fiberglass that had washed up on the beach, while also addressing Vineyard Wind CEO Klaus Moeller personally, according to another video posted on X by the Nantucket Current. “I fish 800 lobster traps right where you’re putting these tombstones, which is also the end of my business… When you apply [fiberglass]… you have to wear respirators. For what reason? Because it’s toxic. If you breathe those fumes… you’ll get higher than a rat,” he continued. “So, it is toxic. What do you have to say about that, Klaus?” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:37

2 Responses to ‘Bunch Of Suits Trying To Cover Their Tracks’: Beach Town Locals Slam Offshore Wind Developer For Polluting Shores

  1. Ian Glennen says:

    One blade ,just one single blade in a breeze and this has had a issue, you all better pull your heads out of the sand, and stop this madness before you Democrats ruin our oceans .
    One blade has caused enough debris that will, not could ,but will kill large ,and small filter feeders ,whales ,and in time a oyster and clam ,but many a turtle, and when a seal eats a dead fish and perhaps chokes on same fiberglass, also ingesting shards of glass will be Gannetts and Seagulls .
    All from a single blade,hot day let’s go to the beach ,yeah ,no, closed.

    When a hurricane tears thru these and we have not one, but thousands of blades broken into millions of pieces in rough seas, and winds . Then on top of that we’ll have all the fluids ,toxic substances oil,etc mixed in with the debris.
    It’s not bad enough they’ve lied about all the sonar survey deaths !
    Klaus and his foreign friends better split, get gone and go home .
    You Klaus do not belong here !!!


    VOTE ! VOTE ! VOTE !
    President Donald.J.Trump will end this cancer called offshore wind !

    • Joel Hovanesian says:

      Couldn’t agree more Mr. Glennen. Where’s the outrage from the environmentalists?
      Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

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