Letter: I have never been so disappointed in our local Senators, Elizabeth Warren, and Ed Markey.

I have supported both in the past. As a retired fisherman, I am still trying to help those stay afloat. I sent a letter to both asking them to update The Magnuson Act and add wording that NOAA must compare their science, and survey to other independent science and survey before placing restrictions on fish. Under law NOAA does not have to compare them. We have many problems, monitoring cost, lost fishing grounds of Cape Cod called the canyons, and now wind farms off our coast. We need help to overcome these problems, we need our senators to step to the plate now, before it’s too late. Let’s save what is left. Thank you, Sam Parisi 17:02

One Response to Letter: I have never been so disappointed in our local Senators, Elizabeth Warren, and Ed Markey.

  1. Joel Hovanesian says:

    Sam, your advocacy for the industry is admirable. However, until the fishing industry is able to put together more money than the wind bag industry you will be wasting your time. And we all know that the industry cannot compete with the money these companies are throwing at politicians and coastal states.
    It’s not about right or wrong with these empty suit politicians. It’s about maintaining power at any cost. The negative effects of offshore wind is so obvious Ray Charles could see it. And there are alternatives that make so much more sense.
    It’s all about the money Sam. When I look at the pictures at these monstrosities covering the fishing grounds that I spent decades upon, supplying seafood to our nation it makes me want to puke.
    I’m afraid that it’s to late as the infrastructure has already displaced the industry south of Nantucket and the Vineyard.
    However, if you want to save what is left of our offshore and coastal waters, stop supporting these politicians who have been backing this ocean destruction. From local government to national, if a politician voices support for this boondoggle, it is incumbent upon all of us to do whatever is necessary to ensure these people are never allowed to be in a position to continue this destruction.

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