New NOAA opinion: Wind farm pile driving causing “temporary disturbance” causing “temporary disturbance”

The federal government has issued a new “biological opinion” on Vineyard Wind’s offshore energy project 14 miles southwest of Nantucket, finding that pile-driving noise associated its construction is likely to adversely affect, but not likely jeopardize, the continued existence of whales, fish and sea turtles listed under the Endangered Species Act. “It will have no effect on any designated critical habitat,” National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries said in a statement. “NOAA Fisheries does not anticipate serious injuries to or mortalities of any Endangered Species Act listed whale including the North Atlantic right whale.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:01

One Response to New NOAA opinion: Wind farm pile driving causing “temporary disturbance” causing “temporary disturbance”

  1. Your nightmare says:

    Get the fuck out of our ocean!

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