County residents butt heads with harbor commissioners over offshore wind 

Unhappy residents accused Port San Luis Harbor District commissioners of being untruthful about their connections to offshore wind companies during a chaotic, heated Aug. 27 meeting. “I would like clarification on why several days before your last meeting [July 23] why Clean Energy Terminals had on their website that you were partners, in partnership, and that you had come to an agreement,” REACT Alliance President Mandy Davis asked during public comment. “It was there on their website and to refer to someone as a partner is very, very specific.” Davis’ comment comes a month after commissioners voted 3-2, with Commissioners Mary Matakovich and Jim Blecha dissenting, to collaborate with Clean Energy Terminals (CET) on studies focused on whether Port San Luis can be a potential site to support offshore wind development. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:42

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