Notice to Lobster Fishers and Mariners: Large Aggregation of North Atlantic Right Whales Present on Jeffreys Ledge
Seventy-five endangered North Atlantic right whales (NARW) were observed this week just off the western edge of Jeffreys Ledge, centered approximately near position 43° N, 70° 07’ W. There is a substantial amount of lobster gear in the immediate vicinity that poses an acute entanglement risk to the whales. DMF strongly urges any lobster fishers with gear in the vicinity of Jeffreys Ledge to move their gear to another area as soon as possible and keep away from this area until surveys indicate that the whales have moved on. This large surface-active group of NARW’s is also at a substantial risk of a vessel strike. charts, links, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:56
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