Winter Harbor hosts 58th annual Lobster Boat Race

Crowds gathered at the dock in Winter Harbor on Saturday for the start of the 58th annual lobster boat race hosted by the town. The races ran during the Winter Harbor Lobster Festival, which held a crafts fair at the fire station and lobster dinners at the Masonic Lodge. The Winter Harbor Lobster Boat Race is the first of the August races, followed by the Merritt Brackett race that took place in Pemaquid on Aug. 14, the Long Island race on Saturday, Aug. 20, and the MS Harborfest race in Portland on Sunday, Aug. 21. On Aug. 13, there were 29 races over the course of the day for different classes and categories of boats. Ninety-seven boats registered for the races, across all classes and categories, with several appearing in multiple races. This report includes race results, >click to read< 09:24
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