CFACT Comments on the California Offshore Wind Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS)

BOEM is taking comments on a draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for its five floating wind offshore leases off the California coast. This is BOEM’s second offshore wind PEIS. The first was for a set of leases off New York which featured fixed bottom turbines. This is the first PEIS for floating wind turbines which are very different from the fixed turbines being built along the Atlantic coast. Floating wind is still an immature technology with a large number of proposed designs none of which has been tested at commercial utility scale. There are just a handful of small demonstration scale projects in the world. It is clear that this PEIS is woefully inadequate. In fact it specifically avoids those issues that justify cancelling the Program. The cumulative impact threat is treated in more detail below. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:36

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