NMFS is harming efforts to ban the sale of shark fins Wayne Pacelle, president and chief executive of the Humane Society of the United States.
Absolute foolishness– The Shark Conservation Act of 2010 was designed as a statutory shield to protect the world’s troubled shark populations. Any sensible person would deduce this. Few could have anticipated, however, that the National Marine Fisheries Service would pervert the act and use it as a regulatory spear against millions of sharks, against conservation and against common sense. more@wapo 03:56
Your head should be spinning you idiot!
No one has more contempt at times for NMFS, and it is deserved most of the time, but you in this instance are showing sheer emotional ignorance to the fast that there are legal shark fisheries in the US and a by product is shark fins.
The question you should address is, do we throw away a part (fins) that should be utilized in the process, or should they be allowed to be sold?
I can only imagine your answer would be a total moratorium on shark fishing!
I would expect nothing less from you.