Submitted: Here’s an example of the operational tactics of the reprehensible BOEM as it leases tracts of Mid-Atlantic Squid fishing ocean bottom.
only “insiders” are wanted as attendees “…the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has scheduled a public seminar in Baltimore, Maryland to provide an overview of its proposed auction format for a renewable energy competitive lease sale in federal waters offshore Maryland.”
Note the notice for this seminar to “…explain their leasing auction rules and demonstrate the auction process through meaningful examples.” was sent out on Thurs. Jan. 23 at 5:58 pm in the “Afternoon” of the day before a scheduled seminar in Baltimore, Maryland on Friday Jan. 24 at 12:30 to 4:30 pm. Read more here 18:29
While I may have a Diploma from an Ivy League School, I have always thought I had some grasp of simple words like ” Stakeholder” I am a stakeholder . All the fisherman I know ,commercial or recreational, are stakeholders. You could even say that fishery managers are stakeholders. WhY Is it that the enviro scum insist on being labeled ” stakeholders”? They are not stakeholders,they justify there. Existence by meddling in management of which I have never seen them stick there noses in and make things better. They have only created unemployment and regulatory discards,better known as waste. To think we will be any part of this process with BOEM is not reality in this political climate .Think Solyndra, We are the stakeholders,and in there eyes we don’t exist.