Where’s the fishing disaster aid going? N.J., N.Y. get $3.8 million; New England banks majority Pallone is HOT!
Rep. Frank Pallone
@FrankPallone 39m Unacceptable that @NOAA is only allocating $3mil to NJ/NY fisheries out of $75mil w/ the extent of #Sandy devastation http://1.usa.gov/Ny1vDp
Industry advocates in New Jersey blamed the latest allocation on John Bullard, NOAA’s Northeast regional fisheries director based in Massachusetts — ground zero of the near-meltdown in New England’s fishing fleet for cod and other groundfish. “That $33 million goes to groundfish, which largely helps New Bedford, where he was the former mayor,” said Thomas P. Fote, legislative chairman for the Jersey Coast Anglers Association and a New Jersey representative to interstate fishery management groups. Read more here app.com 21:24
actually, the 32.8 mill that is going to the “New England” states also includes a bit more going to NY as fishery disaster $, as well as NY & NJ getting $ for Sandy.
The press release is vague as to who is represented in the New England Fishery.