Fisheries Commission Report spotlights fishing’s fast fall

gdt iconA report commissioned by the city Fisheries Commission shows that, as of a month ago, 210 commercial fishing vessels berth at docks and wharves in Gloucester’s Inner Harbor and 38 percent of those utilize publicly-owned facilities. Read more here  06:05

One Response to Fisheries Commission Report spotlights fishing’s fast fall


    Call it what it was a “Hostile Takeover”! They even had the help of the Milken Institute run my the brother of Mike Milken one of the nonfiction Books “Den of Thieves” main Subjects. He has been barred by the Sec from any involvement in Finance.
    “The Obama Ocean Policy” must be reversed by Congress. The “MSA” should be rewritten and more balanced to recognize the Spirit of the original 1976 Magnuson Fishery Act.
    The U.N.’s “Lost” should not even be considered.
    It’s Time to wake up America you have been robbed and don’t even know it. The Nation’s most important Resource “WATER” is at stake.

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